What was your initial dream when creating this dream? 

The pleasure!

Before I launched the ENEOMEY brand, there was a sort of urban legend that a skincare product that didn't smell good was a skincare product that worked!

It's true that incorporating the right active ingredients in sufficient proportion to guarantee efficacy in a formula is often done at the expense of the cream's scent and texture.


Audrey TALAYRACH, Fondatrice du Laboratoire ENEOMEY

With ENEOMEY, I wanted to combine pleasure and effectiveness. We incorporated active ingredients in excellent shelf-life stages and purity grades, enabling us to maintain high concentrations while stabilizing the formula with a pleasant texture and smell.



What's more, we've developed an allergen-free olfactory identity so that our skincare products smell good, but in minimal quantities to remain discreet.


What do you remember about setting up your company 

An energy that takes you to the heart. 

A daydream where every day you come up with a new idea to stimulate your teams. 

Palpitations of happiness all over our bodies, with long to-do lists, but the satisfaction of seeing the birth of what we had all dreamed of: an effective range that we enjoy applying to our faces.

This dream was shared by all of us, and we talked about creation, babies, births, gestation... in short, we were all a bit hormonally boosted! and that made us laugh a lot! As a team, we experienced a great moment of creative freedom as we chose textures, active ingredients, formulas, colors, product names, efficacy tests... happiness, every day!

Of course, there were also tensions, as we didn't always agree, but the constant dialogue enabled us to move forward. At ENEOMEY, we're all resilient, full of elasticity!


What have been the biggest obstacles to the project since its inception? 

Before embarking on this adventure, I read a book that completely inspired me: "Unleash your creativity" by Julia Cameron. This book frees us from the internal brakes that censor and exhaust us. As a result, the financial side, the fears, the self-limitations, the failures dissipate to make way for our true inner energy, our liberated emotion: doubts disappear, we know the purpose of each of our actions, we're perfectly aligned with our goal, we visualize it, and we commit ourselves with determination to the path of creation. And it works!

What's more, this state of confidence makes us so luminous that we take everyone with us. 

It's as if the universe were joining forces with you, so that together, we could all go to a grandiose, sunny party!


Gamme du Laboratoire ENEOMEY


What were the pleasant surprises?

The freedom that this creation has brought to our work teams. We've all grown together, we've all made our contribution, and that's made us stronger, braver, more enterprising, freer to say and do, more confident, more responsible, and above all closer and more united... because we haven't always agreed, but the best solution has always come out of the exchange.


Is it deliberate to be surrounded by women in your company?

Not at all!!! We're totally open to integrating men into our teams. I even think we really need them to complement our vision, and sometimes to give us structure.

However, not many of them apply, and in the end we manage just fine that way! 

I started the entrepreneurial adventure in 1999 (find out all about our laboratory here), and we've been through all kinds of stages since then, but we've always bounced back, and I really believe in women's ability to keep hope alive: that's what made us resist, believe and develop ENEOMEY in France.

For me, what counts is learning, growing from our experiences, sharing...


Monogramme Laboratoire ENEOMEY


Where do you see ENEOMEY in 5 years?

Over the past 10 years, dermocosmetics and anti-aging treatments have become increasingly popular: women know that there are solutions that work, and that there's no such thing as fatality: it's possible to stay radiant for the rest of our lives. It's all about self-love and the pleasure of taking good care of yourself, in every sense of the word.

In 5 years, ENEOMEY will be even more beautiful and assertive than it is today, just like its users!


Watch our interview on the adventure of Laboratoire ENEOMEY and all Audrey TALAYRACH's other videos on our Youtube channel. 




"Vous rendre votre beauté naturelle et vous offrir une perception positive de vous-même c'est cela qui me motive au quotidien"
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