Discover the interview with Dr EHLINGER, expert in aesthetic dermatology


Can you tell us about your professional background?

I've been an aesthetic dermatologist in Eastern France for many years. I'm passionate about combining injection techniques, lasers and peels to offer patients the best possible service.

Could you tell us about your practice?

I opened my own aesthetic dermatology practice in January 1998. I analyze the face, from surface to depth, to establish appropriate treatments: peels, injections, laser, cosmetic prescriptions...

What do your patients expect from the peels performed in your practice?

A significant improvement in skin quality, a real radiance boost


If you had to describe the ENEOMEY Laboratory in 3 words, what would they be?

    • Cosmetics adapted to every skin type

    • A highly appreciated galenic formulation

    • Effective, well-tolerated peels

How long have you been using Laboratoire ENEOMEY peels?

I've been using peels for 15 years.

What is your favorite Laboratoire ENEOMEY peel, and why?

The professional peel REJUV PEEL

Which Laboratoire ENEOMEY program or treatment do you prescribe the most, and why?

Smoothing night care STIM RENEW 15 : recommended as a preparation for peels and as a single treatment for anti-aging (cure or continuous treatment).

Programme éclat eneomey

|  An advice

Contact Dr Agnès EHLINGER-DAVID - Dermatologist

10 rue du vieux collège

Phone : + 33 (0)3 82 58 84 00

Website :