What do you think makes a woman feel good about herself today? 

It's about being an aligned woman:

What I am, what I say, what I do.

I don't waste time: I decide, I act, I make it happen. That's what a woman who feels good about herself does.

A woman who feels good about herself says things and acts on them, because she has the courage to do so.


Who are the women who inspire you on a daily basis?  

My friends, the women I work with, and all those whose paths I cross: I learn from every encounter. 

A short while ago, while we were eating together at the office, I asked my colleagues what they found most satisfying during the week: the answers were very varied and gave me some ideas.

I'm generally very inspired by charismatic women who take action and do things for others and the planet. Those who have a long-term vision, because that's the only thing that serves a purpose.


Les femmes du Laboratoire ENEOMEY


What role does beauty play in women's lives today?

True beauty lies within, and that's what you need to see. Beauty is being in tune with that famous gem we all have deep inside. 

We are all good and beautiful, but this beauty is masked by filters of appearance, bad habits, unhealthy practices, false messages, fears, or the presence of toxic people in our environment. 

We need to get rid of all these things, just as the skin needs to free itself of its dead cells to reveal new, smoother, more radiant skin. The parallel is simple: like inner beauty, the beauty of the skin needs to rid itself of everything that clutters it, to regain its original purity. It then becomes a healthy organ, functioning optimally with the right interacting mechanisms.

That's why dermocosmetics are a significant plus for women's beauty: having a clear, radiant complexion and beautiful skin helps you feel good about yourself, and it shows.


Audrey TALAYRACH, Fondatrice du Laboratoire ENEOMEY

What are women looking for in dermocosmetics today?

Visible results are no longer a dream or a promise of perfume brands or luxury goods, but a simpler, more pragmatic reality that can be found in pharmacies or certain medical centers. Women want to see that their skincare program has a real effect on the quality of their skin.


What does it mean to be a woman at ease with herself in the 21st century?

A woman with radiance, in her complexion, in her posture, in her voice. She knows what she wants and will get it gradually, smoothly, thanks to her choices, her certainties and her passion.


How does ENEOMEY enhance women's everyday lives?  

By making skin care a pleasure, with simple, effective programs that improve skin quality, elasticity and radiance, day after day.

Every day, ENEOMEY helps women to feel good and take care of themselves.


Les femmes du Laboratoire ENEOMEY


What does it mean to be simply a woman thanks to ENEOMEY?  

To feel good about yourself, without artifice, without make-up, in your simplicity, your natural beauty, your radiance and luminosity on a daily basis.

ENEOMEY women don't usually wear make-up: they love their skin because they feel good about themselves!


How would you describe the ENEOMEY woman?

Balanced, natural, assertive, courageous. 

She seeks her own well-being, but also that of those around her, by advocating sharing. 




"Vous rendre votre beauté naturelle et vous offrir une perception positive de vous-même c'est cela qui me motive au quotidien"
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