Discover the interview with Dr SIMONY-ATTIAS, expert in aesthetic dermatology


Can you tell us about your career path?

I started out as a hospital intern, then moved on to become head of clinic. I've been practicing since 1987.

Can you tell us about your practice?

Since 2016, we've had 3 practices, equally staffed by surgeons, at 60, 67 and 69 avenue Victor Hugo. Our main activities are cosmetic surgery and peels.

What do your patients expect from the peels performed in your practice?

For patients with acne problems: first and foremost, they want to improve their scars. All my patients are looking for a healthy glow, tighter pores and a reduction in spots (pigmentation, etc.).


If you had to describe the ENEOMEY Laboratory in 3 words, what would they be?

    • Serious

    • Effective

    • Enduring

How long have you been using Laboratoire ENEOMEY peels?

I've been using the peels since they started.

What is your favorite Laboratoire ENEOMEY peel, and why?

The superficial PeelREJUV PEEL, for wrinkles. The superficial PeelLUMILIGHT PEEL,, for a radiant glow. And the superficial Peel PURIFY PEEL, used for acne. My patients are very happy with it, it's a complement we can offer them that's very much appreciated.

Which of Laboratoire ENEOMEY's skin care products do you prescribe most often, and why?

I mainly prescribe anti-aging skincare, STIM RENEW, redensifying anti-aging cream,REJUV SILKanti-aging serums and vitamin-based products.

Programme éclat eneomey

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Contact Dr Jacqueline SIMONY ATTIAS - Dermatologist

60, 67 et 69 Avenue Victor Hugo

75116 PARIS

Phone : + 33 (0)3 82 58 84 00