What initially drew you to your passion for sport?

I wouldn't really say I have a passion for sport, in fact I didn't do it for a long time. But at the age of 40, I started to suffer from back pain and the solution came through sport. At first, I started slowly with very gentle, calm and meditative sports like yoga, swimming...

Then I looked for more "fun" sports, where I could laugh with friends or at myself. So I tried everything, and that's what I advise all women to do: try all kinds of sports, until you find the ones where you can have fun and enjoy yourself.


Audrey TALAYRACH, Fondatrice du Laboratoire ENEOMEY

How do you choose which sports to participate in or follow passionately?

The number 1 criterion is that I have to like it, enjoy it, have fun with it, and feel that it does me good intensely after the effort.


Can you share a particularly memorable moment or experience that has strengthened your love of the sport?

In sport, as soon as you lose concentration, you make mistakes.

It puts you in your place: you can see that the universe is a much bigger place when you catch the surfboard on your head on the way out of a wave. The only solution is to go back on a calmer day and improve.


How has sport influenced other aspects of your daily life and well-being?

Sport makes you persevere, so you set up a progressive approach to go a little further every day and feel you're progressing at your own pace. It gives you confidence, and above all makes you feel stronger and more sure of your potential.


Le sport de la peau - Haltères - ENEOMEY


What challenges have you faced in pursuing your sporting passion, and how have you overcome them?

My challenge is sporting competition. I'm so demanding that I stress myself out. As a result, all I do is lose, and lose badly! That's why 2 months ago I started neurofeedback sessions (a technique derived from neuroscience, which trains our brain to work better). It's already starting to bear fruit: I'm more serene and I give my best thanks to cardiac coherence.

The mind isn't really rational: it's deeply rooted. When our mind isn't positive, we have to use the techniques at our disposal. And I have the impression that this one is good for me.


How has your involvement in sport contributed to your personal development?

Our body is our vehicle in life. If we look after it well, it provides us with quality transport with the right energy and allows us to feel solid and strong. I find that my body maintenance is better at 50 than when I was 40. It just goes to show that sport is the best anti-ageing treatment! Combined with the ENEOMEY skin care program, it's the perfect equation!


Le sport de la peau - Yoga - ENEOMEY


Can you explain how your passion for sport has evolved over time?

I recommend always starting gently, in kindness to yourself. In my opinion, it's better to do 10 minutes a day than 3 hours at a time at the weekend. Sport is a good habit to get into, on a daily basis, just like showering! When you make it part of your daily routine, it's good for you and you don't ask yourself any questions.

I've tried almost every sport, and I've kept the ones that felt like me and gave me agility in several areas: yoga for the suppleness of body and mind, golf for the concentration it demands, tennis for the fun, dance for the grace, climbing for surpassing yourself and managing fear, surfing for the thrill of sliding, skiing and ski touring for the feeling of freedom in the immense space of the mountains...


What important lessons or values have you learned from your involvement in the world of sport?

What I love about sport is the way the group helps and supports each other. I take a dance class one Sunday a month, and the group ranges in age from 8 to 88: it's unfailingly generous and sorority-minded, and we feel good together, whatever our background or age: we bring a lot to each other.


Le sport de la peau ENEOMEY

Can you share any tips or encouragement to inspire other women to explore and embrace their passion for sport?

Start gently, with pleasure, a little every day. We've adopted this principle for the ENEOMEY skin care programs: it's the origin of the idea of "Stimulate your skin"!



How do you reconcile your passion for sport with other aspects of your life, such as work and family?

A little every day, never too much: it's quite natural for the whole family to exercise. And for work, it's simple: I'm more efficient when I'm physically fit, so it's an inescapable plus.

And when the days are hard and intense, like at a conference for example, I feel much less tired now that I've integrated sport into my daily routine.


How can the increased visibility of female athletes inspire the next generation of women in sport?

Our female athletes' surpassing of themselves is always a great source of inspiration to boost ourselves and become our best selves. It helps us to know ourselves better and, in the feminine sense, makes us more graceful! And for me, grace is a key element of femininity!

The benefits are felt throughout our lives, whatever our age! Just look at Marie Claude Pietragalla, she's still "aerially" magnificent!


Watch this interview and all other Audrey TALAYRACH videos on our Youtube channel. 




"Vous rendre votre beauté naturelle et vous offrir une perception positive de vous-même c'est cela qui me motive au quotidien"
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